There are 2 tables that we use in UBB.threads that are pretty much just temporary tables, but they get accessed very frequently. These are ubbt_ONLINE and ubbt_TOPIC_VIEWS. I've chagned both of these to a memory (heap) type table here. This basically makes it so the table resides in memory and isn't written to disk, which should provide a bit of a performance increase. These 2 tables are also prone to corruption since they are accessed and updated so frequently since every update requires writing to disk. Changing these tables so they just store their data in memory should help in that area as well.

We may end up making this change a part of the original setup. It's an easy change, one that you can try yourself if interested by running the following SQL commands

alter table ubbt_ONLINE type=heap

alter table ubbt_TOPIC_VIEWS type=heap

Last edited by Rick; 10/22/2006 7:11 PM.