Sorry two sad faces doesn't explain frown

We are unhappy because this groups together all new posts from all sub-forums, rather than showing say Sub1(4/15), sub2, sub3(1/1), Sub4(7/52) etc. meaning that a user can see at a glance that his favourite sub-forum called sub3 has a new thread that he can view. Whereas another use who prefers sub2 and has no real interest in the other sub-forums knows his forum has had no new posts.

If I am reading correctly (and apologies if I am not) but all a user will know is that one or more of the sub-forums has had new posts and he will have to still visit that sub forum to find out. If he keeps clicking on his favourite sub-forum and finds no new posts he will be frustrated. Of course the parent forum might not have any posts made to it, so clicking on this forum would not benefit the user. He would just want to jump straight to the sub-forum if required.