You don't have permission to access /threads/ubbthreads.php on this server.


I was going crazy earlier trying to make a post after one of my Mods had trouble doing the same thing, and getting a Forbidden error. I was like, great, the BB is busted!

I narrowed it down. It turns out the server prevents the word Lynx (only with a space after it). I know the server has some hacker keyword prevention or something enabled, but that's just too funny how crazy I was getting. And I was about to post the "error" here! laugh laugh laugh

Just something to keep in mind when a customer is having an "inexplicable problem" wink

GangsterBB.NET (Ver.
PHP Version 5.6.40 / MySQL 5.7.23-23 (was 5.6.41-84.1) / Apache 2.4.54
2007 Content Rulez Contest - Hon Mention
UBB.classic 6.7.2 - RIP