Now that 7.1 final is about out of the gate, I thought I'd re-post my "revised" wish list for 7.2, for what its worth:

Being a 6 year user of UBB.C and UBBT, I thought I would post my "wish list" for Threads 7.2 based on my experience, for what that's worth (you may already be planning some of this):

1. Hide Email from bots.
Rationale: When members post their email address (or someone elses) in a post, it is almost guaranteed that the spambots will pick it up. In my Threads 6.5 I had a hack (don't remember where I got it) that I put in showflat.php and showthreaded.php that would cause a guest or a bot to only see [Login to View Email] unless the guest logged in, in which case they could see the email addy. The code (hack) for 6.5 looks like this:

if(!$user['U_Username'] || $user['U_Username']==""){
$Body = preg_replace("/<a href=(\"|")mailto:(.*?)(\"|")>(.*?)<\/a>/i","<B>[Login to view email]</B>",$Body);

I know a similar "hack" might be possible, but this would be a really nice great feature to have in the "official" install and I'm sure that members of threads communities all around the globe would be greatful for this little protection from the bots.

2. Alternate colored rows in the CSS
Rationale: Its just one of those things that is missing when going from 6.X to 7 and would be nice to have that capability to color alternate rows in forum lists and threads lists.

3. Member-selectable forums.
Rational: My members really like the "favorite forum" feature in 6.5 that allows them to only see forums they are interested in. I know T7 has the Watched Forums thing, but thats not the same and is much less user friendly. I'd really like to see in a future version, the capability for members to just easily "toggle on or off" those forums they are not interested in. The Admin should however have the ability to set some forums so they can't be turned off (like announcements, etc).

4. Easier toggle for side bars.
Rationale: The current system is "good" when a member can go into their preferences and toggle the right or left side (depending on admin setup). I think it would be even better if there were little triangles or arrows just above the left and/or right side (maybe in the Nav menu) that a member could just click to turn on and off the side bars.

5. Admin-controled max number of attachments
As it is now, I can limit the max file size for an individual attachment, but I can't limit a user from attaching 100 files if they wanted to. I have heard there is some php limitation that makes implementing this difficult, so how about someting like this: Say the max allowed attachments in a post is 4. A user comes along to make a post and attaches 5 files to the post. When the submit button is pushed, a simple check is made to count the number or attached files and if it is more than allowed, the post is not submitted, but instead, they are given an error message that says they have exceeded the max allowed attachments.

Just a few ideas for a great product,
