I had a mod set on restricting image sizes on my 6.5.5 board so images wouldn't run off the page or rather force a scroll of the entire topic/thread. I didn't put it back in for 7.1 because I think Rick handles this in the code (am I right on that?).

But maybe this would also help to set code to check for the image size on uploading in editbasic?

Here are the two code pieces I used. I don't know the original author or I would give them credit.

The first one is in a file called "checkimages.php"

/*~~~ begin configuration settings ~~~*/

	/* maximum number of images per post */
	$config['MaxImages']= 20;

	/* maximun width of images in pixels */
	$config['ImageWidth'] = 850;

	/* maximun height of images in pixels */
	$config['ImageHeight'] = 1400;

	/* maximum image size in kilobytes*/
	$config['ImageSize'] = 384;

/*~~~ end configuration settings ~~~*/

$ubbt_lang['ImageLimits'] = "
One or more images are not within the size limits !<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;The maximum allowed image width is <b>{$config['ImageWidth']}</b> pixels.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;The maximum allowed image height is <b>{$config['ImageHeight']}</b> pixels.<br>
&nbsp;&nbsp;The maximum allowed file size is <b>{$config['ImageSize']}</b> kilobytes.

$ubbt_lang['MaxImages'] = "
Too many images! <br>
The maximum number of images in one post is <b>{$config['MaxImages']}</b><br>

$images = preg_match_all("/(\[IMG\]|\[{$ubbt_lang['TEXT_IMAGE']}\])http([^\[]*)\.(gif|jpg|png)(\[\/IMG\]|\[\/{$ubbt_lang['TEXT_IMAGE']}\])/i",$Body,$out,PREG_SET_ORDER);

if($images) {
	for($n=0 ; $n < $images ; $n++){
		$imagesunique[] = "http" . $out[$n]['2'] . "." . $out[$n]['3'];
	$imagesunique = array_values(array_unique($imagesunique));

if($part1 == 1) {
    if ($images > $config['MaxImages']) {
        $peditchange = 1;
		$preview = 1;
		$executionend = 1;

	if($executionend != 1) {

		for($n=0 ; $n < count($imagesunique) ; $n++){
			$imageUrl = $imagesunique[$n];
			$imagehw = getimagesize($imageUrl);

			if ($imagehw['0'] > $config['ImageWidth']) {
		        $peditchange = 1;
				$preview = 1;

			if ($imagehw ['1'] > $config['ImageHeight']) {
		        $peditchange = 1;
				$preview = 1;

			$imageSize = remote_file_size($imageUrl);
			if ($imageSize > $config['ImageSize']) {
		        $peditchange = 1;
				$preview = 1;

if($part2 == 1) {

	if ($images > $config['MaxImages']) {
			$html -> not_right ($ubbt_lang['MaxImages']."You have $images images in your post.",$Cat);

	for($n=0 ; $n < count($imagesunique) ; $n++){
		$imageUrl = $imagesunique[$n];
		$imageUrlError = "<br><br>".$imageUrl." :" ;

		$imagehw = getimagesize($imageUrl);

		if ($imagehw['0'] > $config['ImageWidth']) {
	 		$errormessage .= "$imageUrlError<br>&nbsp;{$imagehw['0']} pixels wide.";
	 		$imageUrlError = "";

		if ($imagehw ['1'] > $config['ImageHeight']) {
			$errormessage .= "$imageUrlError<br>&nbsp;{$imagehw['1']} pixels tall.";
			$imageUrlError = "";

		$imageSize = remote_file_size($imageUrl);

		if ($imageSize > $config['ImageSize']) {
			$errormessage .= "$imageUrlError<br>&nbsp;$imageSize kilobytes large.";
			$imageUrlError = "";

		if($imageUrlError == ""){
			$redtablestart = "<table bgcolor=\"#FF0000\"  cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\"><tr><td>";
			$tablestart = "<table  width=\"600\" cellspacing=\"5\" cellpadding=\"0\" class=\"lighttable\"><tr><td>";
			$redtableend = "</td></tr></table>";
	        $ImageArray[] = 	"<img src=\"$imageUrl\">";
	        $ImageArrayReplace[]= $redtablestart."<img src=\"$imageUrl\">".$redtableend;
		$PrintBody = str_replace($ImageArray,$ImageArrayReplace,$PrintBody);
		$PrintBody = $PrintBody."<br><br>".$redtablestart.$tablestart.$ubbt_lang['ImageLimits'].$errormessage.$redtableend.$redtableend;
		$preview = 1;


and the other file is called "remotefilesize.php"

function remote_file_size($url)
   $head = "";
   $url_p = parse_url($url);
   $host = $url_p["host"];
   $path = $url_p["path"];

   $fp = fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errstr, 20);
   { return false; }
       fputs($fp, "HEAD ".$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n");
       fputs($fp, "HOST: dummy\r\n");
       fputs($fp, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
       $headers = "";
       while (!feof($fp)) {
           $headers .= fgets ($fp, 128);
   fclose ($fp);
   $return = false;
   $arr_headers = explode("\n", $headers);
   foreach($arr_headers as $header) {
       $s = "Content-Length: ";
       if(substr(strtolower ($header), 0, strlen($s)) == strtolower($s)) {
           $return = substr($header, strlen($s));
   $return = round($return/1024);
   return $return;


I started to post the modifications needed in the modify post file, but I would probably have to post the entire file, so I wont do that. Maybe the above to files can help you to see how they are using it.
