So I'm making some headroom.

First, I removed the picsize tag in the showthreaded/showflat as gizmo suggests and it does stop the distortion on these pages. However, it doesn't get rid of the distortion on either the showprofile or showmembers pages. I haven't figured out how to stop that.

However, this is not the "fix" it is only a "coverup" or bandaid if you will.

Looking at the database tables, in the user_profile table it has the avatar height and avatar width in there. My guess here is this is being populated with the getimagesize function Rick has in place in the file. So, the complete and probably simplest solution here would be to get this function to work, which I guess it does on some servers but not all.

Seeing that the code I posted above works on my server I guess the next thing for me would be to evaluate this code and try to find Rick's getimagesize function and see if I can make a change to make it work. The code I posted above would probably work on other servers as well, because I am pretty sure the author used a unix based server and I use a Windows based one.
