Can some ingenious person guide me today? I'm stumped. My summary pages look very uneven due to unnecessary line breaks in the last column. I either need to remove the break or stretch the cell to get the same effect.

I am not displaying the moderator column so I should have room to consistently get the last post title, author, and date & time easily onto 2 lines rather than an occasional 3 lines.

I think I am looking for the code which generates a <br /> before tha author's name, (which appears in parentheses).

Also, where O where is the mechanism which puts the 3 dots after a truncated post title link? (I would like a little more of the full topic title in this cell rather than a shortened topic title.)

I also increased the page width percentage in the cp.cgi to no avail.

This section of code below is from the Template: I hope that's the right one...

Much, much thanks for your consideration.

	#@nobrs = qq(<nobr> </nobr>)

	my($thislast, $thisbr);

	if($last_author ne '') {
		my $titler = ($long_last_subject ne $last_subject ? qq!title="$long_last_subject"! : "");
		my $pglnk = ($vars_display{HTMLDisplayMax} > 0 ? ";p=" . &round_up_always(($last_reply_number + 1) / $vars_display{HTMLDisplayMax}) : "");
		$pglnk = "" if $vars_display{ReverseThreads} eq "TRUE";
		$thislast = qq(
<a href="$ULTIMATEBB{"ubb=get_topic;f=$x;t=$last_post_number$pglnk#$last_reply_post"}" $titler>$last_subject</a>

	} else {
		$thislast = $last_author;

	my $name_link = ($vars_display{ShowLastPostCol} ne "NONAME" ? qq!<tr>
<td width="28" valign="bottom">  </td>
<td valign="bottom">
<font size="$vars_style{FDTextSize}" face="$vars_style{FontFace}">
</td></tr>! : "");

	$Row .= qq~

<td bgcolor="$alt_color" valign="top" align="left">

<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr><td width="28" valign="bottom"></td>
<td valign="bottom">
<font size="$vars_style{FDTextSize}" face="$vars_style{FontFace}">$TheDate</font>
<font size="$vars_style{FDTextSize}" face="$vars_style{FontFace}" color="$vars_style{TimeColor}">$LatestTime</font>


~ Face}"><b>$Moderator</b></font>

Version: Classic 6.7.3.