Thanks Mark.

Added a couple more

1. Spoiler Tags
2. Icon next to a forum to be double-clicked to mark an individual forum as read
3. Who's On-line screen to show the actual topic a user is looking at
4. Added a button on the Quick Reply screen to switch over to the Full Reply screen, preserving anything you've typed for your post up to that point
5. When a user removes themself from a private topic a note will be added to the topic to let other participants know
6. Added the ability to add a description to files that are being attached to a post
7. Changed the online/offline indicator to just show the actual mood image, with alt/title text showing online/offline
8. Private messages - it will now show all participants in each private message
9. Board title to the subject of emails that are sent out for notifications and watched topics
10. Graph to the top of the list of private messages to show how many PMs a user has and how many more they can store in their inbox
11. Happy Birthday emails on each user's birthday
12. Limit the number of attachments/photos a user can attach
13. Active Topics Screen to give an option to show active posts as well
14. New set of Gallery Islands
15. Gallery Forums
16. Content of PM's can now be received automatically via Email
17. Ability to show the user information on top of the post instead of on the left side