Okay. I have encountered a new problem with the "Notify" button. Once a moderator has been notified (I have clicked the "Notify" button once). Now another user comes by and also clicks the "Notify" button.

A message pops up that says "A moderator has already been notified." Sooooo, why can't a moderator be notified more than once? Or, does it have to be cleared in the cp somewhere? I certainly can't find it.

Does the 7.2 version allow us to click "notify" more than once to contact a moderator or admin?

Help! Thank you.

Originally Posted by Trixie
Just need some clarification.

When I clicked on the "Notify" button I realized the purpose of this button is probably only used if a user wants to contact the moderator about a post without having to post it publically. What if there's not a moderator assigned to that forum? What then? And why not just use the PM to do this?

Email Post.
When I clicked on the "Email Post" button, it appeared to me to be just another form of emailing anyone. Am I wrong? Why bother emailing if PMing is faster and easier?

I don't think I have a clear picture of what these buttons are for and when I should be using them. Thanks.

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