If you looked... I used Smart FTP three times before resorting to the FrontPage. I know there are additionals added to the mix when uploading with that program. But thanks for the reminder.

As I was told, one script failed to run. the UbbVersion was not changed as a result and the program didn't know which version I was using. Rick sorted it out and got it running for me.

But from seeing some others having errors. I would say you guys might want to look at that scripting since not only is there issue with the alter but with the version.

Or could just be that something got glitched when I either downloaded from your site, unzipped it on my pc, or uploaded it with the ftp client. Numerous things can and will go wrong, it is Murphy's Law. But when more than one has issues with the same ending, you might want to consider that it isn't just the insane red head in the corner screwing things up on her site again.

Last edited by BigCats; 07/20/2007 8:34 AM.

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