No problem. You're own work style having used BC for so long does not easily allow you to switch applications.

That is actually the #1 reason why it is very close to impossible to get someone to switch to another application is their own comfort level with a program.

Microsoft knew that quite well with Word Perfect. They actually had much more functionality and performance than WP for a couple of years but due to the popularity of WP it took a few years to prove to others that it was better.

I'm not trying to sell any of them - Heck they're all cheap enough you could easily buy all 3 of them.

Just saying that if you spend a few hours with each and try out their features with an open mind I think you will see that UC has more features than the other 2. I used to like ExamDiff Pro and used it for years but after trying a new version of UC and actually giving it a chance was what made me switch over to it.