Yes i can, but how can i code it so i can write a script
to show the correct css image for that theme.

I'm using the example above where i have the custom css
as the image. It works as expected.

I have a script that checks the dates in a php file.
And if its Christmas then a Christmas image is shown.
As the CSS (Image) has to be updated via a style sheet,
i'm loosing the combustibility.
I have to go into every style sheet and update the css path
to the new image manually. I'm trying to get it more Automated.

The CSS method above is great for Text i have that changes
according to the times of the day. But as you like me Ian
you have sub forums too. And ive now realised that i cant
custom image for custom headers as the CSS is already set.

Or after all that.
I need a way of Hooking up what style sheet a member has as
there preferred or default, and then get that css image to show.

I know someone mentioned a java script way, but for that
i wouldnt know the how or the hook ups?

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