We bought ubb.threads 7.x but I must say we're a little disappointed. There is not many useful mods (Yes, I've checked ubbdev) and the standard design kinda' sucks.

It would be so much better if groupee would at least invest a little money in getting a proper graphic designer to make a few templates/stylesheets that could be included with the standard distribution of ubb.threads. It would be so much easier if we would have a few really good templates (1 or 2 good designs would be enough) which could be (color) modified by the license holder him/her selves.

I am sure it will be a good commercial move as well as this would make UBB.Threads look and 'feel' so much more professional.

Now you need to be (or hire) an expert graphic designer in order to get your ubb.threads forum to look a little more professional.

If you take phpbb 3.x for example there are at least a few default templates that look great and few more 'homemade' ones that look even better.

Just checkout the spotlight forum here on ubbcentral. You will notice that all ubb.threads forums look 99% the same. The default plain and ugly design with just a few color changes at most.

I suck at graphic design myself but as a ubb.threads user licenseholder I would surely like to have some templates/styles available like these ones!


Or at least make the default UBB.Threads style look al little better PLEASE!