Fair comment i say.
I'm okay with the designs but as mentioned as a newbie
or someone installing it for the first time, it could be better.

And as a fighter for the novice new member < Shield in Hand >

My feedback would be the software can still be too complicated
for a new member. So this has to be part of the plans when new features become available. To get an e-mail about a topic couldnt the option to have it under the "Topic Options" to say.

watch + E-mail
Watch Only

Then a member wouldn't have to visit my stuff, edit watch list just to enable the e-mail... (IMO)

(I had to add a big how to for my upload manager so members
had a clue how it works and what to do ).

The new "My Stuff" On the left is a big + IMO with 7.3.2
Lets hope things like the search gets a re-vamp.
Making it dumy proof too.

Its been good fun the ride so far, and i hope it continues to be,
Our own members who can be new or old do say it how it is.

Not to take away the great work up to now.
I'm in too deep to to turn away, but will pass it on as i see it smile

My Out side the box look at things as they are.
I guess i want to see more key features more refined.
In line image placing, for example. Its been requested many a time but after more than a year we still have the upload manager.

Our gallery we can not choose where the Image Manager storage folder can store images like the upload manager < Checks >
But we can with the "Upload" Manager.

I would love to see, for example 7.4 the Blog
the plans and how it would work available for debate,
then i'm sure you would have a good idea what we as users
would like to see or not?

Unfortunately the trend is for these things to come online with
so few features, and basic is it worth releasing it as a feature.
So at a guess, i'm would say it will be in the 7.4 and you cant add a image to the blog? (Ive no idea) but that's the trend that comes across. And then we have to wait.

And it is these little things that are mounting up IMO.

I am a supporter 110% of Threads,
and i hope the feedback we post is helpful and constructive too.
We want Threads to wipe the floor with others out there wink
And you guys who hardly ever get a thanks because we paid
for something, have done a cracking job, and I hope you
continue to do so for along time to come.

The one that confuses me greatly ( As an Example) is say the 30 day posters
which its in the default package, but so many threads users use it. If its as good as that why cant you get it into the stock asap. Its basic sales to me, the more features the more reasons
you have to sell the product.

From the out side this looks to lay at Ricks door, but i'm sure that's not the case. But if it works then get it in there and sell sell sell wink

< Dont ban me lol >

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo