Originally Posted by Jake
In Advanced Search (which is the most confusing utility to our users):

Date Range

Maximum date range is 4 .

Not indicating what the "4" is about is very confusing. Would prefer if there was some way to simply give a choice:

--Posted Today
--Posted this Week
--Posted this Month
--Posted this Year
--Posted in (choose a list of years from inception of board until 2008).

People generally think about the oldest it could be and move forward, so the "Newer Then" before the "Older Then" can be very confusing.

Was reported as a bug

Ive just upgraded to 7.3b4 and its fixed on mine smile

No problems to report upgrading smile
Only that one of my language files was the wrong permission
and prevented the auto update continuing but fixing that
it went sweet, and now checking for bugs.

Great work --- Love the Credit File lol

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo