Processlist just shows "SHOW PROCESSLIST" after the scripts stops doing anything wich I assume is the act of me using phpmyadmin to show the list just then. Noting else is there like create table or stuff that usually can be seen while some script is running. (Im not to familiar with using phpmyadmin but did try refreshing while I knew it was doing something. And it showed som "create table" and other SQLish type stuff. Those came and went with each refresh while it was running.)

It is a hosted site with a ISP so editing my php.ini file seems difficult. Digging around in the folders below my sites main folder yielded no "php.ini" file. Tough there is some editable php related settings wich seemed to might be capable of doing something in restricting some php scripts.

Could these setting (pasted from the ISP user interface) have anything to do with it?
Advanced settings for the selected virtual host. We recommend not changing these settings unless you really need it.

Off PHP Safe Mode

Off PHP Safe Mode GID

Off PHP Register Globals

On PHP Acceleration *1

On PHP Acceleration - Check Script Modification Time *2

Off Shared SSL

Off Temporary URL

Note 1: PHP Acceleration can increase the speed of your website from 1-10 times.
Note 2: Modifications to a accelerated script will not take affect immediately, when the Check Script Modification Time is Off. It can safely be turned Off on a production website.

These are the current settings of the site now.

Sorry to bug you guys with this. I hate to ask for help. But I did take care to make a informative heading in my topic so that others running into this problem can see the post and go "hmm this seems like what Im experiencing) at a glance. So I guess its not all bad asking if some workaround can be found. I promise to write a post right away explaining exactly what I did if I can get it to work either by myself or from some tip you devs came with. One more snag ironed out is always good. smile

So any tips is greatly appreciated. I will try them out as soon as they come in. smile