Maybe this error wich pops up in phpmyadmin has something to do with it?

MySQL said:

#1226 - User 'Someuser' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 100000)

At this point the database is kinda dead.

Now just to figure out how to boost that value temporarily. It does end at this spot at the last attempt "Processing topics (2122 - 2141) of 6907 total topics.

My ISP is Servage wich do let you do pretty much whatever you want with databases. Or is this a limit set on a deeper level with the ISP? Id imagine others would run into this as well when attempting an update.

Thanks for any help. :-)

Last edited by BlueShroom; 02/19/2008 2:20 PM. Reason: Wanted to add some stuff.