Non Static : Custom island (Mysql)

I'm looking for pointers or help to make a database query
rotate on page refreshes in a custom island?

Currently : 7.3b4
I have a Custom island pulling quotes from a database.
But when there in a custom island the update is not
(min 1min) its much longer.

(It will work as expected in the Community Introduction Body )

Ive been testing this on my test forum.
Okay there is only me floating around, but it remains for
the best part "Static" not rotating quotes.

How can i get around this problem?
Is there a javascript or somthing i can make so it
either caches as expected (1min) or every refresh?
Or a cron job, but i'm not sure if that would actually update?

help / advice / pointers appreciated smile

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo