i meant

Auto Polishing and Detailing | Cars | Motorcycles | RV

that idea..

i was going to make those links autogenerated so you wouldn't need any if's..

the forum.tpl would just do something like (just adds 1 line)..

PHP Code
{if $type == "cfrm"}
	<th align="left" valign="top" class="category" colspan="5">
		<img style="float: right;" id="toggle_cat{$catrow[cats].CATEGORY_ID}" onclick="showHideBlock('cat{$catrow[cats].CATEGORY_ID}');return false;" alt="" src="{$config.BASE_URL}/images/{$style_array.general}/{$catrow[cats].image}" />
		<a href="{ubb url="ubb=cfrm&c=`$catrow[cats].CATEGORY_ID`" title=$catrow[cats].CATEGORY_TITLE}">{$catrow[cats].CATEGORY_TITLE}</a>
		{if $catrow[cats].CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION}
			<div class="small" style="padding-left: 15px;">{$catrow[cats].CATEGORY_DESCRIPTION}</div>
<div class="cats_forum">{$catforums}</div}

and then cfrm.inc.php would generate $catforums markup on the fly, based upon category..

that way, whenever you make changes to your forums (add delete move).. they follow you around..
