Okay I installed wwwthreads on a new server a couple of days ago, everything worked fine...I tried posting and got a a whole bunch of errors:
Warning: file("http://forums.ogaming.com/filters/badnames") - Success in /home/sites/site36/web/addpost.php on line 149
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/sites/site36/web/addpost.php on line 150
Warning: file("http://forums.ogaming.com/filters/badwords") - Success in /home/sites/site36/web/addpost.php on line 517
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/sites/site36/web/addpost.php on line 518
Warning: file("http://forums.ogaming.com/filters/usertitles") - Success in /home/sites/site36/web/addpost.php on line 645
Warning: Variable passed to each() is not an array or object in /home/sites/site36/web/addpost.php on line 646
I changed the path from "" to "http://forums.ogaming.com", and installed of "failed" or "this file does not exist, yada, yada" I get success and the odd array error.
The problem is I still get [censor][censor] in my post.