At the table installation part of the install process, I got this error message:

UBB Message We encountered a problem. The reason reported was

SQL Error: Too big column length for column 'BBCODE_MATCH_REGEX' (max = 255). Use BLOB instead
SQL Error #: 1074
Query: CREATE TABLE ubbt_BBCODE ( BBCODE_ID int(4) NOT NULL auto_increment, BBCODE_MENU_SHOW tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', BBCODE_ENABLE tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1', BBCODE_DESCRIPTION varchar(128) default NULL, BBCODE_MENU_PROMPT varchar(128) default NULL, BBCODE_TAG varchar(64) default NULL, BBCODE_MATCH_REGEX varchar(256) default NULL, BBCODE_MARKUP_RESULT varchar(2048) default NULL, BBCODE_MENU_ORDER int(4) NOT NULL default '0', UNIQUE KEY BBCODE_ndx (BBCODE_ID,BBCODE_ENABLE) ) TYPE=MyISAM

56 tables were created and nothing with "BBCODE" exists.
_ONLINE and _TOPIC_VIEWS have "HEAP" rather than MyISAM in the "type" column and I believe there's supposed to be some type of Permissions table which wasn't created either.