Originally Posted by pinkmelon
Another issue I have with PM's
Why are the PM's from deleted members not deleted?

When a user is deleted all his PM's should, in my opinion, be deleted too. Who do we delete? Spammers. But their Spam remain. Not good!
I tend to agree.
I have never deleted a member since upgrading to the 7.x series. So I had to look, there are two methods to delete. One is selecting from a list of members and check the action list at the bottom. Which does not give any options. The second method is expand the details on one member at a time, which is what I tried. You are then given options to delete the posts. Which I did.
But the PM's remain from the user.
I then tried the rebuild option to "Prune Orphaned Private Topics". Still no luck
All that happened is the PM shows from anonymous now.

But of course the caveat is, another member may have a post or PM from the deleted member that they wish to preserve.

Blue Man Group
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