This is something ive been angry over too.
Ive waited and waited since the option was created.

It just doesnt work.
If you accept the fact that its broken then your half way there.

Ive found after a merge, if they go missing look for the date of the last post from the merge group and you will find it in the topic your merging it into, but obvioulsy not where you wanted it to be.

Apparently in v8 how ever many 8 dot dot dots there will be before its over hauled.

If you switch to threaded mode, you can see where the breaks are in the construction of the post.

Ive spent more than a day on splitting and patching back together topics to make them legal.

Its a feature that shouldnt even be listed.
Sorry but true.

BOOM !! Version v7.6.1.1
People who inspire me Isaac ME Gizmo