appending sounds good smile

Bare in mind we've never had a manual to explain in detail
what "Merge" really is or does.

Do you really want me to dig out my old topic about this?
its a big one.

Merge :
Why ask the post number you want to land it with, when it doesn't land there evey time. It lands with a date match. And not a post match.

You said you were going to look at this.
As it couldnt work as it should in its current state.

its unreliable when splitting and merging.
I know Ive been trying to get it right for years.

The Move Merge function is not a working reliable function.

Originally Posted by Rick
Mark, splitting a topic gets to be a pain because it depends on who each one replied to. If everyone replies to the original post, it's easy. If everyone replies to the last post, it's easy. But if anyone uses quickquote or quickreply from an individual post anywhere in the thread it can create a thread with multiple branches.

That's where it tends to end up messy, since you'll move one post and might end up with half the thread coming along with it. Move one of those out and you might end up with the same thing.

When it comes to moving, if you really want to see what ones are coming with it, a good way for now is to pop over to threaded mode and you can see all the replies that are on that particular branch you're going to be splitting off.

Originally Posted by Rick
It's part of the beast of needing to support threaded mode. When you move a post it has to take it's replies along with it. When we redo the UI, we'll probably redo this where you can do some sort of inline moderation. Maybe checking off posts in a topic as you're reading them and then have some options to do something with all of the checked, move, delete, etc.

Taken from this Thread

I love search smile

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