I have a vB license and after running it for awhile, guess what I converted to? Yup, UBB 7.x. Had to renew my license for it, but it not only was easier to install and cofigure, it stopped all spamming...hehhee. vB, in my opinion has really shot themselves in the foot when it comes to the 'hobby' forum. It looks like they have positioned themselves to go after the corporate market and put those small guys who really helped build them on the back burner. The dissent among vB owners in the license holder only forum is unreal. But, getting back to UBB and Infopop. When they were acquired by Groupee and decided to dump .threads was when I started looking for another solution. I can't see any downside to Rick taking full control back. From what I've seen of the back end screen shots UBB v8 is going to be huge.

Greg AKA Virgil Earp at the OK Corral
Tombstone, AZ