suggestions continued laugh

5. no inline css'ing in any templates -- makes creating skins much easier and that just snowballs into product desire as skins are easily created.. a new aftermarket?
6. no inline javascript either.. load em up as separate files. also it's cheaper to load single larger files than a ton of small files..
7. allow for minified versions of css/js..
8. serve YUI api from google.load (optional)
9. load css up front, js at the bottom
10. get less table heavy.. add more css classes.. but still no need to replace table happy with div happy like vBull did.. just be reasonable..
11. where you DO use tables, DON'T do things like 'width="30%' in there.. allow the css to do what it's intended to do
12. replace all popups with either on the fly js generated stuff or pre-generated stuff that is list based instead
13. forget IE6 even exists!
14. put in hooks for memcached, where available..
15. add mysqlI.. it's a no brainer
16. consider using innoDB on a coupla heavy write tables.. ubbt_ONLINE.. myISAM is great for 95% of the tables, but innoDB has it's place... i've done this on my board and the speed is noticeable..
17. ADD hooks to the ubbthreads.php engine where _gpc, _run are called to allow something like _mods array(...,xxx,yyy) to hook in, if installed.. this makes it so mods don't INVADE any code...
18. Get compatible with php 5.3 deprecated functions. this also affects the phpmailer class that is currently used in stock..
