Originally Posted by Sirdude
would be a modification to stock, but all doable smile

as for other bennys..

i typically do:

-- custom avatar
-- ability to search forums
-- custom title color
-- custom title
-- special group image like [Linked Image] [Linked Image] (although i modify postlist and viewmessages to NOT display them.. they make the lists looks bad)
-- image in sig
-- access to arcade (mod)
-- don't have to view ad islands (but this is a philosophy thingie)

prolly some more, but those are the highlights.
We have special "group images" for those members that have donated to the site/club, and they're showing in the postlist which makes things a bit busy...but I notice it doesn't do that here at UBBCentral...is this a setting I missed, or a tweak I need to do?

UBB.Threads 7.5.5