Yeah, that would be a really nice idea. Default classes which can be extended to override methods. And methods that only do one thing, without side-effects.

Having the login function actually redirect the user to a page is a bad idea, for example. Since I didn't feel like reimplementing the login functionality in my script, I just post to the login page and parse the result. Reaaaaally ugly.

BTW, if anyone wants to try the apps on their site, I'll gladly help out with configuration. It's pretty easy, the web app for iOS/Android is just a few files to upload and one config file to change. The Android app can be changed in the configuration by the user to point to the correct site, but I could compile a version with the correct default configuration for your site. In the future, I'm hoping to add a discovery/selection feature to use it with multiple sites.

aka Olle Johansson