With running UBB, I am seeing occasional access of graphics minus the "/ubb" directory structure, which 404.

Like I am looking at this one example:

Location	http://domain.org/images/general/default/toggle_open.gif
Referrer	http://domain.org/ubb/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showthreaded&Number=55639
So I open the refer, and the only place I see the /images/general... path is along with the baseurl variable.

	<script type="text/javascript">
		// <![CDATA[
		var baseurl		= "/ubb";
		var fullurl		= "http://domain.org/ubb";
		var script		= "http://domain.org/ubb/ubbthreads.php";
		var imagedir		= "general/vbb";
		var myUid		= '1134';
		var submitClicked 	= "Your post is already being submitted.  The submit button is now disabled.";
		var open_block		= new Image();
		open_block.src		= baseurl + "/images/general/vbb/toggle_open.gif";
		var closed_block	= new Image();
		closed_block.src	= baseurl + "/images/general/vbb/toggle_closed.gif";
		var loadingpreview	= "Loading Preview...";
		var today		= '20';
		var s_priv		= '1';
		// ]]>
Do some browsers not correctly support the JavaScript which UBB uses?

Last edited by sb; 07/20/2011 10:49 PM.