We have moved from Network Solutions to a VDS on godaddy. Yes, we know about mindraven, we just wanted a bit more control than mindraven would have allowed us. smile

Now we seemed to have stepped in it. It isn't too bad, but it is annoying for us. Our issue has reached their top guy who works in the President's office. We are due to talk to him this coming Tuesday or so and I would like to solicit comment from the talented group here before we engage.

At odd hours of the day or night - and especially in the wee hours of the morning, we see the following by any given member:

Member writes a post - clicks send. The post is written to the database immediately. The return page can take OVER 60 seconds to get back to the poster. At other times, the return is super fast. We never saw this on a a cheap web deal with NS. We do see that we are using up to 800Mb of our 1Gb of RAM.

We have gone over our configuration with a fine tooth comb.

Any comments?
