i notice when replying to posts (or writing a new post too) that after you write more than the box size, the lines from then on jump up and down VERY annoyingly.

It happens to me quite often, but it's not only on this site. For me, it seems to be a combination of browser and memory clear problem.

I've found that if I leave the computer turned on for a few days without rebooting or clearing cache, the problem starts. It starts faster if I also have open some of the larger "memory hog" programs I use (Adobe Photoshop, especially).

What I've found is that it when it starts, I select "close" on the browser (that way I'm sure it actually stops running), close the other large programs I have running and reboot, the problem goes away.

And I now try to clear cache and remove temporary files more regularly.

Anyone encounter this? Anyone have advice?

FYI: I do clean the cache. we run on 7.5.3


Last edited by Gizmo; 09/21/2011 3:25 PM. Reason: removed the bold tags and put content in quotes for my own sanity