I actually did this on my board too, here is what I did. Before you do this, go set it to no for all your mods than apply this.


Find this around line 246 comment out

   {if $multi_option}
   {$lang.NOTIFY_MULTI}<br />
   <input type="radio" name="notify_multi" value="1" id="multi_on" {$multi_on} class="form-radio" /> <label for="multi_on">{$lang.TEXT_YES}<label>
   <input type="radio" name="notify_multi" value="0" id="multi_off" {$multi_off} class="form-radio" /> <label for="multi_off">{$lang.TEXT_NO}<label>
   <br /><br />

Replace with

   {if $user_status == "Administrator"}
		{$lang.NOTIFY_MULTI}<br />
		<input type="radio" name="notify_multi" value="1" id="multi_on" {$multi_on} class="form-radio" /> <label for="multi_on">{$lang.TEXT_YES}<label>
		<input type="radio" name="notify_multi" value="0" id="multi_off" {$multi_off} class="form-radio" /> <label for="multi_off">{$lang.TEXT_NO}<label>
		<br /><br />