You may be able to adapt the featured member island.

This is the query used...

SQL Query
$query = "
	FROM   {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}USERS as t1,
		   {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}USER_PROFILE as t2,
		   {$config['TABLE_PREFIX']}USER_DATA as t3
	AND	   t1.USER_ID = t3.USER_ID
	AND    t1.USER_IS_BANNED != '1'
	AND	   t1.USER_ID > 1
	ORDER BY rand() limit 1 

Of course you'd need to remove ORDER By rand() and set your own clause for $thisclause

...but I think if I needed to do this - it's probably where I'd start.

Just a thought smile

Last edited by driv; 01/14/2013 6:39 AM. Reason: ooops - sorry just realised this doesn't cover the 'logged in' aspect - but leaving the post in case it helps somehow.