Greetings - I need some help!

My forum server hard drive failed and crashed. My hosting company had to build me an entirely new server. So I am now up on Windows 2008 rather than 2003 which I used to be on.

I installed the exact same version of MySQL onto this, to be as safe as possible. So that's 5.5.15.

I have my ibdata1, ib_logfile0, and ib_logfile1 files.

The only way I can get MySQL to launch is to remove the two log files and have just the ibdata1 file in the data directory. If I do that, it'll grumble a bit but it'll make two new log files and launch.

However, when I then log in as root I can't see any of my databases or tables. All I see are three default databases - information_schema, mysql, and performance_schema. But the ibdata file is 641mb.

Any thoughts as to how I get to that data?

I had a separate username set up, but when I log in as root and ask it to select user from mysql.user it just shows me four rows - root, root, blank, and root.

Is it maybe not really connecting to that ibdata1 file? Any ideas?

Lisa Shea, owner,
BellaOnline Website
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