WOW a lot to answer here.
Exactly is subjective.
are you talking font(size,color)
Color scheme
Image set.
If so then that only requires a custom style, using css in the style editor.
You can add as many styles as you wish and make all of them available to members to over ride the default style if they wish.

If you are talking about the layout of table content:
Such as adding in the extra info at the footer that does not exist in ubb 7.5.8 and items such as the hot topic icon moved to the left,
would be a template change.

That would usually be a global change that applies to all of the different styles.

I have never heard of or seen a site that uses different template files per style.
But I guess it could be done.

I also am not aware of any tutorial on the subject, other than searching here for misc. modifications to styles and the WIKI.

Anyway my suggestion would be to install v7.5.8 as a test board and add some of the other styles posted here to experiment with.
If you can achieve what you want with only style changes. You can export them.
Then when you migrate your board you can import them back.

Last edited by Ruben; 08/07/2014 2:40 PM.

Blue Man Group
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