There was no folder named php.ini and thus the failure
( never was a folder of php.ini )

To me this is a bug as I was in language webpage and intent was to click on update as English being default

Problem is right below that it says PHP.INI and the field space to the right of that is empty

Somehow I had clicked on that as default when I clicked update and then it config'd as if that php.ini was a folder name in the path

To fix I made a php.ini folder and then copied the files from English to it and right off the admin page worked again and sure enough when going to language page php.ini was set to default and thus was not looking in the English folder

Someone needs to find out why a choice of php.ini is there and
2 if the field to the right is blank it should reject when update is clicked

Team ZR-1 Corvette Racer's