There is some information here for adding Shareaholic to pages outside of the topic view (since SD locked it down to just that page, for whatever reason; the initial writeup had it capable of being displayed everywhere); as for support on *why* it won't work, unfortunately, I have no clue, you would probably have better results asking them (as the code just uses their JavaScript; as the data, if properly filled, should *just work*).

Please note that browser security addons (such as NoScript, AdBlock, HTTPS Anywhere (which I personally have had issues with in regards to Shareaholic), etc.), Browser Privacy options, Microsoft EDGE browser in general, etc. can cause issues with 3rd party code executing within your browser (which would require one to either disable or whitelist their site). You should test various browsers before modifying code, as the code is the same bits used here and at UBBDev, which executes without issue.

Also, most browsers have a "allow running scripts/accepting cookies from third party sites" setting, which would block things such as Shareaholic (since it's a 3rd party site that is trying to load from your site via its JavaScript) from working as well. Also keep in mind that Shareaholic is a tracking service, and as such, there are also generally browser settings for "tracking services" (such as "Request that sites not track you").

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