Had they finished moving all of the files over by the time you where trying to get threads working again? It sucks that they had to move you over, but if hardware was starting to fail on your old machine it could save your site (nothing is worse than a drive failure that needs to be sent out for recovery).

A proper move would be to make a snapshot, move the data over to a different machine then move over the domain/ip's after the files have been moved over and database info updated (if applicable, most people just use "localhost" unless using a database server on another machine).

You can use a file comparison utility (like Beyond Compare), or if you have the patience to compare it manually, to check the differences of your old config file to the one you had earlier that was broken.

I am a Web Development Contractor, I do not work for UBBCentral. I have provided free User to User Support since the beginning of these support forums.
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