Here is the feedback from Charles Isaac.

Thought of as an on-line "shop manual," Britbike wouldn't be very useful if posts describing technical matter consisted only of text, with all illustrations referred to by that text lumped together at the end.

This is also similar to how Gmail has done it for many years now.
If I am reading your user's comment correctly, he is asking for a WYSIWYG "Word Processor" style editor.

This sounds like it could be promising, although writing about how it's done with gmail in a seemingly-positive way is a bit worrisome, because how email is used is quite limiting if imposed on your web site. However, his next sentence, that I'm looking for a 'word processor' style editor, is close to the mark. In that sense Britbike is currently a lot more like WordStar of c1985 than Word of 2017. Actually, it doesn't have to be WSYSIWYG because the way of highlighting text isn't burdensome, and 'preview' shows what it will look like. The issue is simply that of embedding images in a user-friendly way.

WordStar is a good analog of the problem. Even though not WYSYWIG, WordStar's way of handling italics, bold, etc. was OK, as it Britbike forum's. But, figures had to be separately created and sized on a reducing photocopy machine, measured for size, and then enough hard returns inserted to leave room for it. That certainly reduced the number of figures I ever felt like inserting in a WordStar document.

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum