
I've made a few recent posts on my forum and for example, when I view the post, it says it was created 1 hour ago, but on the category/forum listing view, the timestamp says it was made Yesterday at some random hour and time... I tried rebuilding forums and it didn't fix the time.

My Date & Time Settings:

Timezone For Guests
All times will be displayed to guests as if they were in this timezone.

Database Time: 20/10/17 1:28 AM
Database Timezone: UTC

Guest Time: 19/10/17 7:28 PM
Guest Timezone: America/Regina

Difference in hours: -6

Default Time Format

D M d, Y | g:i A

Available Time Formats

y/m/d | g:i A
d/m/y | g:i A
d/m/Y | H:i
D M d, Y | g:i A
m/d/y | g:i A
n/j/Y | g:i A
n/j/Y | H:i
Y-m-d | g:i A
Y-m-d | H:i

Use Relative Timestamps For Guests


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[Linked Image from aliendisc.net]