Originally Posted by BlackMale
miss '$sth = '

$sth = $dbh->do_placeholder_query($query, array($html->get_date()), __LINE__, __FILE__);
while (list($userid, $groupid, $sub_name) = $dbh->fetch_array($sth)) {

Thank you for reporting this PHP 7 error.

It has been fixed for UBB.threads 7.7.2

I had to revert this back to our current code.

Your suggested fix broke the trigger system, spamming Email and Private Messages to anyone with an expired subscription every time general post counters get updated.

Current developer of UBB.threads PHP Forum Software
Current Release: UBBT 7.7.5 // Preview: UBBT 8.0.0
isaac @ id242.com // my forum @ CelicaHobby.com