Here is a test I did

I have added an active link to the word "test222" the word which I use to name a folder.
Also another active link "test555" I have added a .gif named "test555.gif" within the "test222" folder

See that the word "test222" becomes a link even if it is next to a "." or "/" or "-" but not if its next to a letter as in "a".

I notice also that it handles up to two links but not three
see the difference in this section but using britbike forum link above.

Now I know a little more but I am not happy because how it works.
Is there a way to change so that it also counts the "." or "/" or "-" signs so example "/test222/" would be counted as what it is and not"test222" ???
in another fraise could it be set so that "test222/test555.gif" is counted as one word and not as three separate words with "/" and "." in between ?

I think it make the active links work more correct.
Thanks for your help

Last edited by Morgan; 02/25/2021 6:03 AM.

Morgan Johansson
BritBike Forum