We have a really odd problem on our forum that has me scratching my head. There is an option in any post or thread to "flag" or "report" the post. That triggers an email that goes to the moderator(s) of that particular forum. We have a very active group of moderators (27 in total), and they are constantly flagging posts for discussion with other moderators in our Moderator Forum.

Three of the 27 moderators never get the email notifications. But here's what's really odd. In each of those moderators profiles the option to allow email notifications does not appear. All three are members of the Moderator Group, and all three have Moderator Permissions.

I'm attaching screenshots of both a working profile and a non-working profile. For the life of me, I can't find anything different in their permissions or setup that could cause this. I'm sure I'm missing something simple. As I'm sure you will notice, the non-working profile is missing this option: "Email me when a user uses the "Report Post" option. These are usually sent only to Moderators "

What could possibly cause this?

(Current system specs are in my sig.)
5VVNA1XXidl9W7p0.png pPTWkkZ530UbtYyu.png

Last edited by Baldeagle; 06/14/2023 12:21 AM.

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