
Oops... I didn't take into consideration that my webstats total would have everything included...

Right around 1.14 million for the UBBS if I remember correctly for January...

But for February, I'm up to 92,136 page views and the cache hit percentage is 48.95% (dropped some due to the cache flush after the prune/move/reindex last night).

That jives pretty close to the current Feburary web stats page:

/ubb/ultimatebb.php = 47000
/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi = 45094
/cgi-bin/cp.cgi = 3207 (because of the ongoing maintenence)

From my web stats history from January:

/ubb/ultimatebb.php = 637156
/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi = 514312

Thanks for the heads up... I'm still pounding out a lot of pages though... <img src="" alt="" />