for Mark K - the faked email addresses were simply the real email with an F at the [][/] as an example. From this I know the real email address, and it is easy to track. Absolutely not a disaster at all, it worked very (!) well for over two years, and ended completely the problems I was having - from dozens of problems a day to zero with one little change - but now big trouble for me..

I do require a real email address to register, and if it was a banned provider's address, they had to contact me to get registered.

for Gizmo - the problem was that some people only have Hotmail / Yahoo, etc.. and the restriction was on or off.. not selective.. When I allowed hotmail / yahoo / etc.. I would get dozens of anonymous new 'members' who then tried to violate rules, create fights, make trouble.. Those folks even watched to see when I would not be available (overseas travel of mine was / is quite well known in my Forums), and used other methods to create troubles..

The good news is that for about 8 months now things have been very calm (relatively) - I have now, of course, removed the email restriction, and I am even hoping the troubles will not reappear, but in the mean time.. not having access to the passwords is an incredibly big problem.

**edit / update **

And Ron,thanks very much for the updated link - that little mod did exactly what I wanted..