Thanks Charles,
YOUR board function, (add reply) seems to be working fine. I will know for sure when I send this message. It looks different than the board on The board there covers the whole screen, yours goes in a colum down the middle of my tv.

I will think about getting a computer but, I like web tv better. To me, everything is so much brighter and easy to see. I don't have to worry about the upgrades and programs (nothing I have to buy). Sure there ARE some things I can't access but 90% of the time I can find a way around the problem (even the small problem I am having with this board program). I love my webTV. Being on a fixed income, I will, more than likely, stay with webtv. 7 years and, NEVER a problem with my hardware.

UBB is a great service. I will enjoy using it.
Thanks again,

Greg Kelley
Vestige, Ltd.