We are running 6.7.1 on We know we need to move up to Eve very soon and will in the next 3 months. I was horrified 2 days ago when I found out that over 10,000 of my members were marked as banned when I ran a ban report. I have a feeling that they had been banned for some time now. The banning was consistent with groups of member id #'s. The banning started with member #'s 937+ in sequence. I didn't follow the member #'s page after page, but went to the last page of the report and it showed recent member #'s in sequence as well.
We unbanned all of them and waited for a few days. This morning I ran the report and there were 63 members banned again. This time it was members who had registered in the last week or so. Have any of you ever run across this bug before? Any ideas? Thanks in advance. We are trying to hold this thing together with bubble gum and duct tape until we get a few minutes to look at moving over to Eve.