Trading Post Now Open
In conjunction with the release of UBB.threads 6.5, we are opening the Trading Post.
From this point on, all of our downloadable products will only be supplied via the Member Area in English only. Because our schedules and lead times are often different from version to version it is often difficult to maintain these translations, which have always been donated by the community. We're now opening the Trading Post as a way for the UBB.threads and UBB.classic community to become more involved in offering and maintaining translated versions.
The Trading Post will allow you to download, upload, and swap Wordlets and Styles.
All files uploaded to the Trading Post will be checked before they are approved to be sure they actually are UBB.threads or UBB.classic files. They will not be checked, however, for version number, accuracy, or quality. We will not be able to verify that files do not violate another site's copyrights. Any files found to be improper, or in violation of a copyright will be deleted.
We're using the Groupee login for this, thus the login you're using for this board will get you logged into the Trading Post as well. You do not need to be logged in to download, just to upload files. If you are uploading a file it will not appear until it is approved by a moderator.