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The updated importer for UBB.classic to UBB.threads has been released to the member area.

What it does:
The importer imports your members, categories, forums, moderators, posts, private messages, and buddy lists.

Things you need to know before you start:

Members -
We are now importing UBB.classic Public Display Names as the UBB.threads log-in name. UBB.threads does not yet have separate log in and public names, but this method will fix the potentially embarrassing possibility of making log-in names public.
Public names that had a space in them will have the space changed to an underscore.
If your UBB.classic log-in name was "Joe123" but your public name was "Joe Shmoe" your UBB.threads username will become "Joe_Shmoe". UBB.threads does not allow for spaces in usernames.
Your UBB.classic password will become your UBB.threads password.
ICQ numbers are now imported. Remember to turn them on in your UBB.threads admin panel.
AIM names are imported. To make them appear go into your admin panel, to config settings. Scroll down to "Extra fields for users to fill out in their profiles" and put AIM in the top field.
Member's home page is imported.
Avatars are imported. Be sure not to delete your UBB.classic Avatars directory if you had Avatars enabled.
Note: Your Member's avatars/pictures might not be sized properly. If a user has an incorrectly sized avatar/picture instruct them to go into their profiles, to the edit profile screen and click submit. That will make UBB.threads get the proper size.
Member's preference to see other user's pictures is imported.
Member's preference to not make their email address visible is honored properly.
Remember that the first user created on your UBB.threads will be a permanent Admin. If the lowest numbered user on your UBB.classic is NOT an Admin you might want to manually register your Admin on the UBB.threads board before importing Members.
Members that were banned in the UBB.classic are still banned in UBB.threads.

Categories -
Forums must be assigned to a category in UBB.threads. If you have forums in your UBB.classic that are not assigned to forums they will be assigned to a default forum so as to be visible.

Forums -
Forums are now imported with the correct read, write, and reply permissions. Even UBB.classic archives. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />
For the sake of your private forum security we do not create private forum user groups, assign users to private forum groups, or forum permissions to groups with the importer. Forums that were private in your UBB.classic will be read, write only to your UBB.threads Admins. All others will have no access. You will have to create a group, assign the group permissions required for that forum, and assign users to the group.

Moderators -
We are now correctly importing moderators, assigning your UBB.classic Moderators to the UBB.threads Moderators group, and to the correct UBB.threads forum(s).

Posts -
All of your posts are imported, provided the files are not corrupted, and are readable.

Private Messages -
We are now importing private messages from all UBB.classic 6 series boards.
We are importing IN box only.
If you deleted a message from your UBB.classic IN box, but the sender did not delete it from his/her SENT box the message may reappear in your IN box. (depends on which version of UBB.classic 6 it was created under)

Buddy Lists -
Your UBB.classic Buddy List is now imported as your UBB.threads Address Book.

What it doesn't do:

The importer does not import colors, styles, headers, or footers. The differences between the two programs do not allow this to be practical.
The importer does not import censor list, banned names, or banned email addresses.
The importer does not import custom Greamlins.

For step by step instructions, and more hints on the importer please read the HTML file incuded in the .zip file. The documentation is also posted on this page, near the bottom in HTML, PDF, or WORD format.

Remember, this version will only work for UBB.threads 6.1.

[edited - no longer beta]

Honor The Victims

[This message was edited by David Dreezer on September 27, 2002 at 04:53 PM.]

Hi Dave,

This is great news! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> I have a few questions to ask about the importer...

1. Which version of UBBC would it be best to import from? I converted my license to Threads but I forgot to upgrade my board when doing so which has me running 6.2.1.

2. Templates - does the new importer give the option of setting the 'UBBC skin' as the default template for the new board?

3. Member numbers - my users have grown accustomed to them in UBBC. Are these numbers ported over by any chance and (even if they're not visible) do the member numbers remain the same? I'm asking because in my member list a few numbers might be missing so I'm not sure whether threads simply skips over the missing numbers or moves everyone down by one when it encounters this (for instance if mem#499 is missing then does #500 become #499 in Threads)?

Go Cougs!

Hi Conrad. Sorry I missed your question somehow.

So let me answer them. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

1) UBB.classic 6.2.1 is fine, you can import that.
2) No, it does not. Which UBBC skin would that be? UBB.threads only has one template set. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Confused]" src="images/icons/confused.gif" />
3) No, at this time UBB.threads does not fully use member ID numbers and member's numbers are not maintained.

Honor The Victims

Thats to all the trouble tickets form people whom have tested the convertor <img border="0" title="" alt="[Big Grin]" src="images/icons/grin.gif" />

I've updated the convertor in the Member Area. All of the bugs found in the convertor to date have been fixed with one exception. Usernames that have a trailing ' in the username do not have Private Messages imported properly. I'm working on that still.

Honor The Victims

Updated again, imported admins and mods have the correct text color assigned to them.

Honor The Victims

Hi Dave,

What the the numbers that appear next to usernames as they are being imported?

Go Cougs!

Dave, any chance the next installment of the imported could bring over old post icons so that they match the imported posts?

I've seen a different bulletin board product offer this option in their importer from Infopop's UBBC. Any chance Infopop could join in the fun and make things easier for the upgrading Classic user?

Go Cougs!

I have a question concerning improting of members numbers.

If the members numbers are not imported, then how does member number done?

IE: I am member #1 on my site.. Will I still be #1 on the Threads site? Also, how will this effect my current members current number.

If I member has member # 476 now......what will he have after the conversion?>



I won 37 Spelling Bees' in school.......... but I flnuked EVEYR typing couSrse I tOoK.

With member numbers coming.... I'd like to hold off importing from UBB.Classic to retain the current numbers. Any approximate idea (1month, 4 months, etc) on when we might expect it?

Visit the VW TDI home page at

VW, I would also like current member numbers to be retained, but I don't believe Infopop will make it so even if Threads 6.2 starts relying on member numbers.

Go Cougs!

Conrad, different products that were made to be an exact clone of UBB.classic can do a lot of things .threads cannot and will never do.

That said, I'll give you a firm "I don't know yet". I'm sorry, but I have no answers for post icons or member numbers until 6.2 is far enough along that the code I work with today will be close enough to the code that releases that I can get some work done. Right now I'd be giving potentially misleading answers and I'd rather not give you a wrong answer or raise false expectations. I know it's difficult for you to plan ahead, but it's far worse to tell you one thing and give you another.

Honor The Victims

Just wanted agree with you that .threads is no .classic clone. AMEN. lol <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


I can add:
</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="">quote:</font><hr /><font size="" face="">IE: I am member #1 on my site.. Will I still be #1 on the Threads site? Also, how will this effect my current members current number.
</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="" face="">I can tell you that threads uses user #1 as a placeholder for anonymous posts and for posts of users that have been deleted. This was implemented in version 6. I would assume that will carry through. So the best you can be on a threads board... is user #2. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

Josh Admin | Moderator
Register to see my How To/Site Help Library Forum at
My threads 'tweaking' abilities are for hire.

I noticed that my member ratings were imported and are being displayed. I don't mind, since I have 5 starts in my forum <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" /> , but am wondering why this was imported if user ratings aren't supported anymore.

Also, in ubb.classic, a moderator was only noted to be a moderator if the post was in his or her's own forum (which they were moderating), but now, they are listed as moderators in all forums. Is this something that can be changed? I think that they should just be listed by their regular member status when they aren't in their own forum.

Threads does support ratings.

Moderators should be assigned to forums from the Admin menu.

They will appear in the moderator color in all forums... but (if your import has everything working correctly) they should only have the little yellow "M" Moderator Flag in their forums... and thus only "powers" in their forums.

Not familiar with importing... but you might see if you can click on the user's name. Edit their profile. Then choose "Remove from Moderator List". This will let you check the forums to remove them from.

Hope that helps. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Josh Admin | Moderator
Register to see my How To/Site Help Library Forum at
My threads 'tweaking' abilities are for hire.

David D, thanks for the reply. I fully agree with your approach. May I suggest one thing? It concerns features such as the censor feature that can be found in classic, threads, as well as open topic. My point is to make them uniform throughout, so that the same feature will work the same way on all three products. I can't think of any logical reason why a common feature such as the censor one should work differently between the three forum packages.

Boy it's funny to see people rushing in with "threads is no classic clone" quickies. Almost seems like it's every threads' users favourite pastime to jump in with that ever-so-helpful bit of advice. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" /> Here's a little riddle: "Why is this software now called Ultimate Bulletic Board?"

Go Cougs!

I just ordered UBB Threads and had planned on upgrading from my previous UBB Classic version but that version was 5.4.7d ( rock solid ) am I screwed?

Whats the minimum version that the importer will update from?

edit: Just checked the documentation area again and there is no mention of minmum version.

Tony S.
"The largest online Chevrolet enthusiast community in the world"

[This message was edited by Tony S. on November 03, 2002 at 10:01 AM.]

Your 5.47d will import also, though not as fully as a 6 series because there is less data to import.

Honor The Victims

Okay, so now that about everything is imported, I still have a few questions:

- how about the extra fields in UBBC profiles?

And then this: I once started of using a 5 series trial. After converting to the official version, my users got ordered alphabetically. Which left me as member number 3. Now... I want (of course) to be permanent administrator on the board, so will have to manually create a number one user and take up its personality. However, will this mean I (as user number 3) will be non-permanent administrator? I mean, my current UBBC personality would really like to be user number 1. Will I be able to become that in Threads while still keeping my posts linked to this user number 1 and thus actually not importing UBBC user number 3 as a personality, but rather link all its data to the permanent administrator in UBBT?

I know this sounds difficult... <img border="0" title="" alt="[Wink]" src="images/icons/wink.gif" />

Conrad - you have any news on UBB skin templates? You have it running?

- Kayjey -

User number 1 is a "built in" place holder and should not be assigned to anyone. I am told that there is no specific number for a permanent admin so there should be no reason to change. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />


</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="">quote:</font><hr /><font size="" face="">Conrad - you have any news on UBB skin templates? You have it running?</font><hr /></blockquote><font size="" face="">Hi Kayjey, it's great to hear from you again! <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Unfortunately the UBBC skin that Infopop promised doesn't exist (yet). So far it looks like a false promise and nothing else. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Roll Eyes]" src="images/icons/rolleyes.gif" />

Go Cougs!

Where or when exactly was this promise made, Conrad? I can't recall.

Nonetheless, no there will not be a UBB.classic skin in the near future.


In this thread (5th post on page two) Allen mentioned that 'Infopop has commissioned an "official" set'.

Also in the thread titled Thinking of upgrading to UBB Threads, advice needed Brett states the following: 'I do think that we are working on a classic UBB kind of skin for it, but I don't know how far along that process may be'.

Thanks for letting me know that this will indeed not be happening - that there never was a plan to make any sort of Classic template for Threads. This is sad news to me and many other Classic users who are contemplating a move to Threads...

Go Cougs!

I don't read either as a promise Conrad. And clearly, as you can readily see at one time there was an attempt made to try it so "that there never was a plan to make any sort of Classic template for Threads" isn't quite right either. The fact is the plan didn't come together as expected which is why there was no officially announced templates project.

I don't forsee one in the near future unfortunately. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Frown]" src="images/icons/frown.gif" />

Honor The Victims

Are you saying if I've imported my board I will have already imported the archives as well? F

Koaxfrax, please make a new post in the UBB.Threads "How do I?" forum, this thread was for the announcement of a release of threads in August.

Closing now, since this topic has gotten pretty far off course. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/smile.gif" />

Ever been threaded?
JCT's for ubb.threads 6.2 & ubb.classic 6.4

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