The language translations are in the beginning phases. This will take a little bit of time. Files have to be translated. I have to make the foreign language version with these files, and then release this to the translator so they can make sure everything got translated ok. After some testing on both sides, the foreign language versions will be released.

Right now I am going through the bug reports board and fixing the various reported bugs. While I am at it, I am also splitting the file into to seperate files, and This will allow users to create their own themes as suggested on the feature wishlist board. I will then later setup an area for users to send their themes to me so I can put up a page for it. The hope is that users will modify in combination with the images, so other users can just pop the theme module and the images in place and totally change the look of their board.

After this is done, that should make for easier configuration for users that want to change how their board looks and then I can begin working on adding some of the bigger features requested on the feature wishlist board.
